
Disclosures & Details

Although our team is made up of travelers who roam the planet in search of the best views, food, and experiences and have been doing before blogging was a thing, we do sometimes partner with travel organizations and companies to share stories about destinations, products, or services.

Occasionally we receive compensation as part of these partnerships which could be in the form of cash, flights, accommodation, activities, gear, etc.

Regardless of these partnerships, we always try our very best to give you an unbiased account of our experiences because your trust is more important to us than money.

Affiliate Links:

Amazon Associates 
We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.

So while the price of a product is the same for you, either way, we receive a small commission if you buy something after clicking my link. These affiliate partnerships help us travel longer & keep this blog running.

We are also affiliates for the following companies because we’ve used them, and stand behind the products and offering:

  • Booking.com 
  • Get Your Guide
  • Hotel Tonight

Note- using any of the links from our partners above does not cost you anything- in fact- we do our best to find discount codes and such to provide additional value.

Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions. You can also find more information about our privacy policy and our terms of service here.